Circular Pioneers

CEP supports circular startups and initiatives that contribute to the transition to a circular economy. That's why we created the network of Circular Pioneers, which is composed of startups, SMEs and social economy organisations that focus on waste prevention, reuse, repair and upcycling. CEP represents its members in public policy discussions and supports them with knowledge, visibility and advice. The network enhances the sharing of experiences, good practices and opportunities. Together we accelerate the transition to a circular economy!


Novonovo is a digital platform for circular economy. It helps the creative community to locate second-hand materials and products. Those with surplus materials can find users to pass them on. Novonovo brings together creators and waste, promoting creativity and a healthy planet.


From coffee grounds collected in Lisbon, NÃM produces mushrooms and natural fertilizer. This is an urban farming project that reuses locally generated waste. Every month, from 3 tonnes of coffee grounds, NÃM produces up to 1 tonne of mushrooms and 4 tonnes of fertilizer. Like nature, NÃM makes no waste – only resources.

Vintage for a cause

This vintage style clothing brand uses industrial textile waste. Besides salvaging those resources, Vintage for a Cause offers conviviality, training and opportunities to women. The project currently involves 18 portuguese municipalities and the Red Cross.

Xylocopa Books & Works

Xylocopa Books & Works wants to get the Portuguese reading more and better. To do this, it uses the medium of a used bookshop in the historic centre of Ílhavo, at a local level, and personalised book recommendation packages (always using used books), at a national level. We promote a monthly agenda of activities and civic initiatives to promote books and reading and, above all, we try to activate the territory and the community around us with good practices of community integration and circular economy, transforming suppliers into customers and partners through the reuse of books.



CLOBIES is an online shop dedicated to the hire and sale of second-hand baby clothes for babies aged 0 to 24 months, with a focus on sustainability. It offers two alternatives to buying new clothes: the sale of second-hand clothes with guaranteed quality and the monthly rental of clothing packs, where customers choose their preferences in terms of type of garment, colours and styles, with pre-selected packs. These packs are carefully selected, washed and sanitised to suit the baby’s stage of growth. At the end of the rental period, the clothes are returned, sanitised again and prepared for the next user.

CLOBIES also offers the option of buying second-hand items, reinforcing its commitment to economical, practical and sustainable solutions. CLOBIES’ mission is to provide an affordable and sustainable alternative to baby fashion, reducing waste and promoting the reuse of clothes.


The 2ndliferesin project was born out of the desire to participate in the creation of solutions for the reuse of end-of-life materials and consists of creating products using waste from the manufacture of surfboards. In this process, waste that is considered useless and disposable (such as resin) is no longer identified as ‘rubbish’ and gains value as a ‘raw material’.

Sempre a Rodar

Sempre A Rodar is a social business that helps children and young people to always have a bike that fits their size at very affordable prices. The project’s motto is ‘Children grow up, but bicycles don’t!’. Families are encouraged to exchange bikes that have become too small for larger models, so that children and young people feel more comfortable and confident when cycling. In the process, families save money by buying used bikes in good condition.

Alexandra Arnóbio Upcycling Projects

Creator and Environmental and Social Activist, starting with upcycling I try to build a fairer and more sustainable world. Workshops & Ateliers – Practical events for creating and experimenting with upcycling. Talks & Training – Information, awareness-raising, training and motivation activities for upcycling. Decorating Products & Services – Selling decorating products and services based on upcycling. Upcycling Promotion Projects – Integrated turnkey programme for activating and promoting upcycling in a given location/territory (e.g. municipality), including information, awareness-raising, training, experimentation and dissemination, and involving various target audiences, from different generations and profiles. Consultancy – Consultancy services for upcycling projects and activities.

Junta Cacos

Junta Cacos gives new life to unused ceramics. We collect ceramic shards from homes, workshops and shops, transforming them into unique and functional pieces. Through restoration and circular design, we extend the life cycle of materials, preventing them from ending up as waste. Whether with Kintsugi or creating new products, at Junta Cacos every fragment is an opportunity to regenerate and reinvent. Here, ceramics break the cycle of waste and return to everyday life with renewed purpose.


NADA NOVO is an association that promotes the reuse of construction components and materials, and explores the cultural challenges of their application. Founded in 2023 in Portugal, the association develops activities with industry and academia and in the public sphere, including research into reuse in traditional, contemporary and future construction.

A Gaveta

Gaveta is much more than a furniture and props hire warehouse for audiovisual productions, films, photo shoots and other events. It’s a space where the past meets the future and objects gain new stories. It all started with the desire to give a second life to the pieces I inherited, preserving their history and avoiding waste. Today, A Gaveta is a project committed to the circular economy: we promote the reuse, restoration and repair of furniture and props, ensuring that each piece finds a new purpose.

By renting instead of buying, our clients save resources and reduce the environmental impact of their productions. We also accept donations, helping families to de-clutter and giving a useful application to what often no longer serves them – ‘Don’t throw it away, put it in A Gaveta!’.


Aplaina is a project of satisfaction and personal fulfilment, keeping tradition alive by recovering old, antique, damaged, unused or uninteresting objects. It’s about making, restoring, creating, reinventing with your own hands and turning a table, a useless pile of wood, a forgotten picture frame, a chair without a seat into something beautiful and unique, reborn for a second life, into a decoration project, into a special corner in the house …a new owner.


We set out to rethink the existing model and change the paradigm of the fashion industry. The concept is simple: to rescue clothes that were forgotten, that were going to end up in a landfill or dumpster, but that still had some potential, and turn them into new pieces. We want to inspire the public to reuse old clothes in a creative way, by valorising the raw material and, consequently, the re-created garment, seeing transformation as a method of preventing waste.


LoopOS is a SaaS ERP of Green Innovation that makes everything easy! Through drag and drop Flows and our customizable interface, create your ideal platform in just a few clicks. We’re transforming how companies enable Circularity world into their business model. Our commitment is to the people and the planet. One Loop at a time, we are changing how businesses engage with sustainable practices!


JOY - Food Experiences

JOY is a platform that converts concepts into food, reflecting on how food can bring everyone together around the garden, the stove and the table. From farm to fork – learning from nature and trying unexpected combinations. With creative eyes we take on contemporary challenges and try to bring knowledge, food and hapiness wherever we go.