
Living More Sustainable Lives: Circular Solutions for Refugee Integration in Europe

Training and capacity-building in circular economy as a strategy to foster refugee integration. Erasmus + financed pilot project. 5 partner countries: PT, ES, CY, GR,...

Date: Setembro 2020 - Agosto 2022

Making the business case for packaging reuse systems

Study about packaging reuse systems. The goal was to evaluate the scaling potential of such systems, and to inspire companies and policy-makers.

Date: Março - Julho 2021
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Turismo de Portugal – Upgrade training: Sustainability

Training on “Sustainable Resource Management” and “Circular Management of Food Resources”. Target group: tourism, food and hospitality professionals.

Date: January 2021

“Circular Economy – Methodologies for Businesses”

28h course on Circular Economy, introductory level. Content was co-developed with Instituto Superior Técnico.

Date: 2021, 2022, 2023
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EDP Planeta Zero

Series of workshops and masterclasses about sustainable lifestyles, developed for the costumer engagement platform of EDP Comercial.

Date: 2020-2022


Training sessions on circular economy and application of circularity assessment tools in micro-enterprises and SMEs in the agri-food sector.

Date: janeiro 2021 - abril 2022
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4R – Ramalde Recebe, Renova e Reutiliza

Project to promote recovery, reuse and sharing practices in the parish of Ramalde, Porto.

Date: September - December 2021


In order to foster repair, this project developed several activities: Repair Café events, a survey on repair, mapping of repairers in the municipality of Cascais...

Date: September - December 2021


Creation of digital platform to foster networking among environmental civil society organisations in Portugal.

Date: Junho 2022 - Setembro 2023
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Education for adult consumers, with the aim of providing objective and unbiased information on the economic and environmental effects of their consumption decisions, also covering...

Date: July 2022 - November 2022
Apoio: Erasmus+
Parceiros: IHF Institute de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires, IDP European Consultants, Universidade de Aveiro , ECIU University , RCE, CIPA Lecce, Internet Web Solution, Universidad de Málaga
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CCB Garagem Sul – Circular Cities Workshop

Workshops for 3rd cycle and secondary education. Through various circular strategies such as sharing or reusing, the students were challenged to create spaceship-like cities. 

Date: September 2022 - February 2023
Promotor: Centro Cultural de Belém
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É Pra Amanhã

Documentary series (five episodes) about Portuguese sustainability pioneers and their projects. Broadcasted by SIC TV.

Date: Novembro 2018 – Junho 2020


Public policy analysis and recommendations for the promotion of green and circular businesses by EU governments in the Mediterranean area.

Date: April 2020 - January 2021

Industrial Waste Management and Recycling of Secondary Raw Materials

Analysis of the industrial waste recycling market in Portugal; evaluation of the implementation of the Waste Framework Directive and the Circular Economy Action Plan.

Date: March 2020 - September 2020

Social Reuse

Study on the social reuse sector in Portugal. Creation of a website with case studies and (policy) recommendations.

Date: September 2018 - November 2019

Circularity in agri-food

Test and improvement of circularity assessment tools in the agricultural sector.

Date: Novembro 2019 – Novembro 2020

Mercearia Solidária +

Production of a guide with tips and recipes for a sustainable and waste-free kitchen. Training workshops for local authority technicians on food waste and composting....

Date: Setembro – Dezembro 2019

Bela Flor Respira

Recovery of a slope in the neighborhood of Bela Flor (parish of Campolide), using agroforestry techniques and community involvement.

Date: 2018 - 2021

Circularidade na Controlar

Circularity assessment for the electronic systems company Controlar S.A.

Date: 2019

Cê ao Cubo

Construction and operation of a demonstration and composting center in the parish of Campolide, Lisbon. Awareness-raising actions on the benefits of composting, namely in local...

Date: 2017 – 2020


Implementation of the “Circular Economy Pole of Campo de Ourique – PECCO”, a space hosting a multipurpose workshop, a library of tools and a clothing...

Date: Julho 2018 – Março 2019

Picuote de Ruoda

Implementation of a demonstration and composting center. Training for parish workers and citizens on composting and food waste prevention.

Date: July 2018 - March 2019

Varandas Comestíveis

Awareness-raising project focusing on urban agriculture and local consumption. Included workshops on edible plant beds and zero waste cooking.

Date: Julho 2018 – Março 2019

Volvo Ocean Race

Implementation of zero waste strategies during the Lisbon stopover of the Volvo Ocean Race international regatta (5 days, 30K participants).

Date: Outubro – Novembro 2017

Repair Café

Broken appliance? At the Repair Café, experienced volunteers help participants to repair their objects. A project to prevent electronic waste.

Date: 2016 - ongoing

Bazar Circular

Project aimed at boosting upcycling practices in the Lisbon region. Secondary raw material sources and upcyclers have been identified and mapped.

Date: 2017-2018

Plástico Circular

Artisanal plastic recycling facility using 3D printing. To be installed and operated in events, for awareness-raising purposes.

Date: 2017 – presente


Project to promote composting in the urban gardens of São João and Texugo, in Almada. Composting infrastructures were built and workshops were offered to the...

Date: 2017


Textile upcycling workshops. Participants bring unwanted items and transform them into something new with the help of talented seamstresses and designers.

Date: 2016 – presente