Circular Challenge

Circular Challenge

The Circular Challenge is a European project that focuses on empowering companies and encouraging entrepreneurship as a means of facilitating the transition to a circular economy.

Cascais Smart Pole

A “Living Lab” in Carcavelos in which the interaction of all will allow moving towards carbon neutrality. The project aims to create a innovative laboratory where the circular economy, urban agriculture, renewable energy, sustainable mobility, art, and green spaces are in communion and form a pole focused on people, decarbonized, resilient to climate change and … Read more

ReWINE: um modelo circular para garrafas de vinho

Portugal é um dos maiores produtores e consumidores de vinho da Europa. Todos os dias cerca de 690 milhares de garrafas de vidro são descartadas. Em 2020, pouco mais que metade (53%) do vidro de embalagem foi reciclado, enquanto o objetivo é 75% em 2030. No entanto, a reciclagem não é a opção mais circular. … Read more

Penso, logo habito: arquitetura participada e sustentável

O edificado consome 40% da energia produzida na Europa. Da extração e processamento dos materiais de construção ao aquecimento dos espaços, a pegada carbónica e material dos lugares onde vivemos e trabalhamos é imensa. Ao mesmo tempo, 19% da população portuguesa vive em situação de pobreza energética, muitas vezes em casas de baixa qualidade, com … Read more

Sistemas de reutilização para embalagens: os benefícios superam os desafios

Por encomenda da Rethink Plastic, a CEP realizou recentemente um estudo sobre os benefícios e desafios dos sistemas de reutilização de embalagens. Neste artigo mostramos o potencial desses sistemas e identificamos políticas públicas que podem estimular o seu uso em toda a Europa. As embalagens reutilizáveis, como por exemplo os recipientes para alimentos e bebidas, … Read more

Plástico Circular

Artisanal plastic recycling facility using 3D printing. To be installed and operated in events, for awareness-raising purposes.

Circular Pioneers

Circular Pioneers CEP supports circular startups and initiatives that contribute to the transition to a circular economy. That’s why we created the network of Circular Pioneers, which is composed of startups, SMEs and social economy organisations that focus on waste prevention, reuse, repair and upcycling. CEP represents its members in public policy discussions and supports … Read more

About Circular Economy

About Circular Economy Current economies are based on a linear model of resource extraction, unsustainable production and use of products, generating a large amount of waste and pollution. This results in the destruction of valuable ecosystems on which we depend. To stay within planetary boundaries, we need to redesign our economy based on circular principles. … Read more

About Us

Vision and mission CEP promotes the transition to a circular economy in Portugal, specifically by sharing knowledge and developing projects about waste prevention, reuse and repair. All our projects are based on social innovation and collaborative action. Furthermore, we support and inspire public and private entities with the implementation of circular principles in practice. This … Read more

Home EN

Towards a world without wasteCreating social and ecological valueNothing is lost, everything is transformed Anterior Next Collaborative Action for a Circular Economy in Portugal Our aim is to accelerate the transition to a circular economy in Portugal through knowledge-sharing, capacity-building and hands-on action. About Us What we do Project Development We develop and implement innovative … Read more


Consultancy We inspire and empower municipalities, businesses and other organisations to adopt circular strategies that use fewer resources, avoid waste, maintain/create value and contribute to ecological regeneration. This way we create solutions with a positive impact on the environment and social communities. Our range of services: Training and capacity-building For public and private organisations that … Read more


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Taxar a poluição, não as pessoas

O uso de combustíveis fósseis é uma das principais causas das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. Apesar disto, o mercado continua a receber sinais que encorajam o seu consumo e atrasam o processo de transição energética.